When was the last time you received a sales pitch email that really sucked?
Last month? Last week? Today?
Let’s face it: we are all inundated with sales emails trying to sell us things we don’t want or convince us we have a problem we don’t have.
Well, guess what: your leads are getting these same emails. And they’re just as sick of them as you are.
So, how can you make your sales pitch email different?
In this chapter, we’re going to do a deep dive into the topic of cold sales pitch emails. By the end, you’ll know all about:
- The key to writing a sales pitch email that won’t fail
- 8 sales pitch email subject lines to start with
- How to close a sales pitch through an email
- 9 sales pitch email examples that take your cold emails to the next level
The key to writing a sales pitch email that won’t fail
Why do most cold email sales pitches suck?
Because they’re not relevant enough for the person receiving the email.
This is the single most important factor in the success of your sales pitch email: focus on the recipient, not on your personal agenda.
If you are thinking about...
- Hitting your quota
- Closing more deals
- Beating another rep on the sales leaderboard
...your email will reflect that. You will come off as arrogant, pushy, or desperate, which infinitely decreases your chances of a sale.
Instead, focus on how you can help the prospect.
As you construct your sales pitch email, consider the person you’re writing to. If your company has ideal customer profiles set up, take a moment to consider these profiles.

When you focus on helping the recipient achieve their goals or solve their problems, your cold emails will sound genuine, empathetic, and friendly.
That’s how you win people over.
Pro tip: Don’t have ideal customer profiles set up yet? Take a look at our interactive guide Profiler: Ideal Customer Profile Kit for customizable templates, a getting-started checklist, and more!
Wondering how to start a sales pitch email?
8 sales pitch email subject lines to start with
The first thing your leads will see is your subject line, so this is something you absolutely need to get right. Otherwise, leads won’t even bother opening your email.
The key is to make sure your subject line is catchy without being clickbait-y. Make sure you can follow up on whatever you promise, and that whatever you choose to include isn’t misleading.
Want to see what a good sales pitch email subject line should look like? Here are 8 examples to start you off:
1. “We can help!”
Immediately, this subject line focuses attention on the prospect. It’s short, catchy, and doesn’t hide its intentions.
Of course, this subject line will only work if you can actually help your prospect, so make sure to do your research first!
2. “X steps to achieve [goal]”
With this subject line, relevance is key. You need to have deep customer intimacy to know what kind of goals they’re trying to achieve. And of course, the goal you mention in your subject line must be directly related to your solution.
In the email body, include some steps that help them achieve that goal, and mention your solution as a step in the list. This proves you’re willing to go the extra mile and offer value to your leads first.
3. “[mutual acquaintance] suggested we reach out”
Mentioning a mutual connection is always a good idea.
This shows the lead that you are a real person. Plus, the fact that you know someone in their network sets their trust level a little higher. Building a genuine connection gets you that much closer to winning the deal.
4. “How happy are you with [tool they’re currently using]?”
This sales pitch email subject line shows that the email is specifically for this person. This kind of non-creepy personalization shows you know what they’re currently using, and you’re ready to hear if they’re not happy with it. Your email body can then talk more about how your solution is better than the competition.
5. “Imagine what it would be like if [problem they have was solved]...”
Again, relevance here is key. What are the main problems your leads are facing right now? Was there a major change in the industry or an event within the company that is causing issues?
BY using the word ‘imagine,’ you’ll automatically spark curiosity, and leaving the ellipses at the end of your subject line is basically beckoning them to open your email and find out more.
6. “[Problem]? Let us help you out.”
Digging into real problems your leads are facing is a great way to make your email subject line stand out. This subject line also combines the direct intention to help with a specific problem the lead could be facing.
7. “[Their company] + [your company] = $$$”
Simple. Concise. Powerful.
This subject line leaves no doubt of its purpose but draws readers in to see how exactly you’ve come up with this formula.
If you want to have some fun with your sales pitch email, replace the $$$ with an appropriate emoji that adds meaning to how the combination of your company and theirs produces real value (other than revenue).
8. “You know you’re a [role] when…”
People love to feel understood, and they love to be part of a ‘tribe.’ That’s why articles with titles like “10 memes only sales reps will get” or “15 signs you’re a startup founder” are so popular.
This subject line harnesses the power of being part of a tribe. (Just make sure the rest of your email is 100% relatable to the role or situation you’ve referenced in the subject line.)
Now that you know how to create a subject line that works, how should you close your sales pitch within the email body?
How to close a sales pitch through an email
The way you end your email is just as important as how you start it.
The goal of your subject line is to get people to keep reading. The goal of the close is to get people to respond.
So, how can you encourage people to respond to or at least engage with your emails? Let’s discuss 5 specific ways to close your sales pitch email:
1. Give one simple, clear call to action
What is the goal of this email? How do you expect leads to respond?
Maybe you want them to:
- Book a meeting with you
- Start a free trial of your product
- Answer a quick qualifying question
- Click a link
- Refer you to a decision-maker at the company
Any of these options are fine. The point is this: you must choose only one.
The easier it is for leads to respond, the more likely they are to do so.
Before starting your email, choose one specific goal you would like to achieve. Frame your email towards that goal, and end with a clear CTA at the end.
Make it absolutely clear what the reader must do to continue the conversation.
2. Offer a multiple-choice response
What’s even easier than typing out a response?
Having a response already written for you.
That’s the power of what we call the 1, 2, 3 sales pitch email. Using this framework, we were able to increase our cold email response rates by 457%.
Here’s what it looks like:

With this format, all your lead needs to do is reply with a number, and they get something of value in return.
3. Harness the power of the P.S.
One does not simply skip the P.S. of an email. It’s there, teasing you. It’s practically calling your name. Who can resist reading that?
In fact, one study showed that 79% of people read the postscript of an email before they read anything else.
While a P.S. may not be appropriate in all of your sales pitch emails, your leads are almost guaranteed to read it, so use it wisely.
A P.S. is also a versatile tool for your sales pitch emails. You can use it to:
- Create urgency by mentioning a timing restraint on a deal
- Add a personal note referencing something about this lead
- Restate and rephrase your CTA
- Include a valuable resource or article on a related topic
4. Level-up your email sig
Is your email signature working for you? Or is it just an afterthought at the end of your sales pitch emails?
Remember, your sig is another place where you can add value, CTAs, or context for this lead.
Best of all, it’s easy to spice it up. For example, you could:
- Add a link to sign up for a free trial of your product
- Include a picture of yourself
- Include your brand logo
- Add a link to a relevant resource
Here's what my signature looks like:

Here’s another example:

Jessica’s sig packs in a lot of information while still being visually appealing. Her smiling face makes the whole email more personable, and the valuable link (Request a demo) could actually draw new leads without any extra effort.
Make your email signature work for you by adding some spice to it. This is super easy to do in Close CRM: Just go to Settings > Your Email Settings > Email Signature:

5. Prep for follow-ups
In many cases, a cold sales pitch email doesn’t get a response.
But that doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in the towel.
In fact, many times the issue is simply timing. Your lead may be very interested in your product, but your email has arrived when they’re in a meeting, making calls, or busy with an important project.
That’s why you need to prep for follow-up emails.
The goal of your follow-ups is to find the right time. A schedule we use to send cold email follow-ups is:
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 7
Try different times on these days and see if you can nail the right moment for your lead to respond favorably.
Pro tip: Want to save even more time? Set up automated email sequences in Close that can be personalized to each individual lead. Still not using Close CRM? Give us a spin with a 14-day free trial, no credit card required!

9 sales pitch email examples and templates to take your cold emails to the next level
Ready to see what a good sales pitch email looks like in real life?
Check out these good sales pitch email examples and templates and see what you can copy into your own cold emails:
1. Cold email template from Close

This template is easy to scan and see exactly what it’s about. It digs directly into the benefits for the recipient, showing they’re focused on providing value, not ‘selling’.
Type: Template
How to model your cold emails after this: Always focus on the needs of your audience. Give them something of value, and they’ll be more likely to respond.
Pro tip: Want more templates, tips, and expert strategies for your cold emails? Download our free resource, Cold Email Hacks, and learn how to find email addresses, how to get people to respond, how to test and optimize your cold emails, and more.
2. Video demo cold email pitch

Bryan is reaching out to sell his video blog services. This email shows that extra level of interest in the lead by including a demo of the offering: A custom-made video based on this lead’s post.
Type: Example
How to model your cold emails after this: Never be afraid to go above and beyond to personalize your offering to the prospect. This email certainly stands out from the crowd, and yours can too.
3. Teaser sales email pitch

In just a couple of sentences, this email tells the prospect exactly what they're offering, and gives them a good reason why they should care. More than that, it shows exactly what's possible with their software by including a video demo.
Type: Example
How to model your cold emails after this: Cold email sales pitches do not need to dive into all the features of your product. Condense your message to its essentials, and add something that captures the attention. Remember that the point of this email is to draw them in for the next step, not sell them here and now.
4. Deep and personal

Iris uses this sales pitch email to show she's done her homework. Right from her subject line, she talks the language of the prospect, shows she knows they’re using Scala, and mentions a project of theirs that she saw on GitHub.
Type: Example
How to model your cold emails after this: Super-personalize your emails with the research you've done about the company, the software they currently use, and other relevant info.
5. Real-world-speak sales pitch

Sam was doing cold outreach to book speakers for his conference, Hustle Con. In this email, Sam writes like he talks, which is absolutely essential to writing a sales pitch email that stands out from the crowd.
Type: Example
How to model your cold emails after this: Write your email like you talk. An authentic voice will automatically stand out from the drivel that fills your prospects’ inboxes on a daily basis.
Pro tip: Record yourself speaking your sales pitch out loud, and copy that text into an email: That way, it’ll sound more natural and authentic.
6. Pointing to the benefits

Instead of explaining what the solution actually does, this example uses one sentence to point to a competitor and give a clear benefit of his offering.
Type: Example
How to model your cold emails after this: When you know your prospect is working with a competitor, there’s no need to give them a rundown of what your product does. Instead, show them what your product does better.
7. The BAB technique

The before-after-bridge technique is a common method used in advertising. But this example shows it can also be used in your sales pitch. This email gives a glimpse of what life could be like after implementing their solution, creating a powerful call to action for the lead.
Type: Example
How to model your cold emails after this: Explain the problem before, show prospects what the ‘after’ could look like, and position your product as the bridge that leads them there.
8. The AIDA email pitch

The AIDA formula stands for:
- Attention
- Interest
- Desire
- Action
This is a powerful formula for both marketing and sales, and is used well in this email template. With that first question, this email directs the reader’s attention to the end result of using the product without even mentioning it.
Type: Template
How to model your cold emails after this: The AIDA formula is a classic technique for one good reason: It works. Each line builds on the next until you have aroused enough interest in your prospect to get a solid response.
9. Referencing a Tweet

This email offering ActiveCampaign as a solution for this prospect has a direct reference to a Tweet the prospect posted. It identifies a relevant problem and shows the reader how ActiveCampaign’s process is different (and why that matters to them).
Type: Example
How to model your cold emails after this: Referencing a problem that your prospect has posted about on social media is a stellar sales method. Granted, you may not get so lucky, but giving a quick look through their latest posts can also help you get in the right frame of mind to contact this particular prospect.
It’s time to build a sales pitch email that sells
Ready to write your own stellar sales pitch email?
Remember the key to writing a cold email that sells: Focus on helping the recipient. Quickly show them what's in it for them.
When you do this first, everything else we’ve talked about falls into place.
And these sales email tips are just the beginning. Once you get a response from your fantastic new cold email, it’s time to actually sell this lead on your product.
What’s one way to do that? Creating a truly stunning sales pitch deck.
Jump to Chapter 6: How to build the best sales pitch deck ever in 6 simple steps →