Steli Efti

Consultative selling in the real world: 7 examples to learn from


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Last updated
February 28, 2022

The best way to learn a selling process is to check real-world examples.

We’ve curated some of the best consultative selling examples that can help you learn what it really means (and some of them may be in areas of life you weren’t expecting).

Check out these 8 examples of consultative selling in the real world:

Top 7 consultative selling examples to learn from

There are plenty of places to find good examples of consultative selling: all we have to do is look.

1. How we made $5M+ solving problems

Resource type: Video 

Key takeaway: Consultative sellers will actively turn down business that's not a good fit

Ravi explains that saying "No" to 68% of the people who applied to speak with his agency and turning down prospects that weren't a good fit has actually helped his business grow to earn over $5M in 2 years.

2. The consultative seller that educates his prospects

Resource type: Video

Key takeaway: When you focus on the best interest of your potential customers, you’ll naturally start selling in a consultative way

James Urie, Sr. Account Executive at Close, talks about a typical demo process at Close. He explains what it’s like when he gets on a call with a new prospect, some of the questions he’ll typically ask, and how he takes the time to understand and educate his prospects.

Watch the whole conversation to learn more about the consultative selling method, as well as 2 more real-world examples of this approach.

3. Consultative Selling in Action

Resource type: Article 

Key takeaway: It takes consistent effort over a period of time to have results

Jamie Irvine felt like he wasn't getting results, even though he was doing all the right things as a consultative sales rep. But he found that patience and constantly putting himself in front of his customers provided him better opportunities to be a consultative salesperson.

4. Consultative Selling—we see great examples everywhere

Resource type: Article

Key takeaway: Consultative selling means asking the right questions to find the right solutions

David Brock’s article goes through 3 examples of consultative sales that he experiences in a day of shopping with his wife. Each of these demonstrates the power of questions, as well as how in-depth knowledge of what you're selling gives buyers the confidence to trust your judgment.

5. Caliper Competency Library, Consultative Selling

Resource type: PDF 

Key takeaway: Active communication, interpersonal skills, and self-management are key skills of consultative sellers

This quick worksheet goes through the main competencies of a consultative salesperson, and gives specific examples of how a salesperson using this model will act, react, and relate to customers.

6. Lowering resistance by seeing if they have a problem

Resource type: Video 

Key takeaway: Before you start selling a solution, see if your prospect has a problem

Sales expert, Josh Braun, gives some excellent tips for consultative selling, along with a real-world example that shows exactly what this looks like in practice.

7. This is What Consultative Selling Looks Like

Resource type: Video

Key takeaway: Consultative selling works even if your product isn't very technical

Michael Harper talks us through an everyday example of consultative selling. His main point: focus on improvements, not ‘features’. 

Pro tip: Learn more about Sales Scripter and the work they do in ourSales Consultants Directory.

Get the right help to up your consultative selling skills

Learning about this methodology will help you know more about it; getting trained will teach you how to use it in your everyday sales process.

Want to lock in these consultative selling skills? Check out the next chapter for training options that fit your needs.

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