Close more deals with actionable insights

Double the performance of every sales rep with customizable CRM reporting.

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Powerful Pipeline view

Accurately forecast sales performance and analyze your funnel health.

Get a unified view of your sales Pipeline with a drag and drop workflow, simple customization, and actionable revenue insights. Pipeline view is included out of the box on all Close plans.

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Add multiple Pipelines for more precise tracking across teams and products.

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See actual and expected values within every stage of your Pipeline as one-time, monthly, or annual totals.

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Update deals with one-click, making the Pipeline view simple and intuitive for reps to use.

sales pipeline in close crm
sales funnel reporting in close crm

Sales Funnel Report

Track sales velocity and conversion rates with built-in Opportunity Funnel reporting.

Close's Opportunity Funnel Reports help you quickly find (and fix) leaks in your funnel. No Zaps, exports, or other reporting tools required.

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Available on all plans: no upgrades or add-ons necessary.

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Includes User and time period comparisons to analyze your Pipeline more strategically.

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Track how variables like industry, source, or job title affect your probability of closing a deal.

Two-way data sync

Easily manage the data across your entire tech stack.

Send and receive data from Close to a data warehouse or other business intelligence tools. Integrations like Fivetran, Census, and Hightouch make this process simple and secure.

custom fields and activities in close crm

Custom Fields and Activities

Mold Close to your unique sales workflow with flexible fields.

Easily track and organize the most important prospect details in your CRM.

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Use Custom Activities to centralize touchpoints from other apps like product demos, chat messages, survey completions, event RSVPs, and billing information.

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Leverage Custom Fields to track lead communication preferences, save prospect social profiles, and more.

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Deploy Custom Fields on Opportunities for more organized account-based and multi-product sales––including third-party billing data, product or service types, and won/lost deal reasons.

Trusted by the worlds fastest growing teams

andy flowe avatar
In my past CRMs, I had to do a lot of unnecessary work. Close's reporting features streamline our daily sales reporting processes, save us a ton of time and money, and help us motivate our teams.
Andy Flowe
Head of Operations, Boardworks
timothy corey avatar
Close allows us to see where we should spend our time and effort. We can look at our sales for the same quarter last year and know what worked well and what didn’t—this allows me to know where to put my energy, on what companies, and in what markets.
Timothy Corey
Director of Sales, Commonwealth Joe
michael occhini avatar
If Salesforce is ‘Microsoft,’ then Close is ‘Apple.’ As a sales leader, the reporting in Close gives me everything I need.
Michael Occhipinti
Vice President of Sales, Naturebox