Product Updates

If you’re a tech-enabled team who needs to scale without overpaying for enterprise sales software, you’ve found the right sales tool.

April 18, 2024
New Feature

File Attachments on Notes + Files Browser

You can now attach files directly to notes! And, with our new Files Browser you can easily find files associated with each lead.


We've improved your experience adding, viewing, and organizing files in Close


Attaching files to leads via Notes

You can now upload images, PDFs, and other files directly to notes.


Easily upload images, PDFs, or other files directly on your leads via Notes


Enhanced attachment previewing in app

We've also improved the experience when previewing file attachments on emails, SMS, and now on notes.

We'll now preview images, PDFs, and other media directly in app


Easily find files on leads via the Files Browser

We've also added a Files Browser that shows any files that have been sent, received, or uploaded to the lead. To access it, open this menu and click "View Files".

Any attachments will be aggregated here for easy browsing


We hope both features allow you keep more of important documents within Close, and help avoiding using other tools for storage.