Sales Enablement KPIs: Track Your Sales Enablement Strategy With These 10 Metrics

After countless hours, a frightening number of late nights, and more coffee than any one human should consume, you finally have an effective sales enablement strategy.

Now you just need to sit back and watch your salespeople close deals on autopilot, right? 

Not quite.

As a sales manager, you need to make sure the strategy you’ve built actually works. To do that, you have to track key sales enablement KPIs and metrics for your sales team.

Once you do, you’ll help your sales reps reach peak productivity levels and ensure your sales process is dialed in to perfection—both of which will lead to much more sales success.

Why Sales Enablement KPIs Matter to Your Team

Sales enablement is the stuff your company’s marketing and sales teams use to connect with potential customers and close deals—including your onboarding workflows, buyer personas, customer journey maps, and email templates.

Whether you’re a sales manager setting up your first sales enablement program, or a sales enablement pro who’s working on improving their form, you need to track the key performance indicators (KPIs) of your strategy.

Voici pourquoi :

  • Set measurable, attainable goals (and track progress toward those goals): When you track revenue metrics that connect to your sales enablement strategy, you’ll see how different reps and the efforts they make are tied to wider company accomplishments.
  • Understand how productive your sales process really is: Your sales process is a unique creation—but if there’s a cog in that system that’s not working, the right KPIs will help you identify it before the whole thing breaks down. Armed with this information, you can craft a much more efficient sales funnel.
  • See a clear view of your sales team’s performance: Knowing which sales activities produce the best efforts, which customers get the most out of your product, or which pieces of onboarding run smoothly (and which ones don’t) allows you as the manager to help your salesforce get more done in less time.

10 Key Sales Enablement Metrics You’ll Want to Track

You know that sales enablement KPIs are important. The question is, which ones should you track to improve your organization’s sales process?

Every department is different. But generally speaking, the key metrics below will help you improve your customer acquisition efforts, better serve existing customers, and otherwise boost sales performance across your entire team.

Revenue-Related KPIs

Revenue KPIs give you an overview of your sales situation as a whole, and help you gauge any success (or failure) in other areas. Here are the key metrics you should track.

1. Total Sales Revenue

What is it? The total revenue your sales team generates from your company's products or services within a specific number of days, such as 30.

Why does it matter? Total sales revenue will help you determine the success of your sales enablement efforts. After all, the easier it is for your salespeople to close deals, the more often they’ll close them, which will lead to more customers, more revenue, and more sales.

How to track it: Multiply the price of your company’s products or services by the number of products/services sold within a given period of time. For example, if your sales organization sells 100 basic SaaS subscriptions for $25 and 100 premium SaaS subscriptions for $50 over the past 30 days, your total sales revenue would be $7,500 for the previous month.

2. Revenue Per Sales Rep

What is it? The amount of revenue each of your sales reps generates for your company. This KPI is usually tracked and assessed over a predetermined period of time, such as 30 days.

Why does it matter? Revenue per sales rep will help you evaluate your sales enablement strategy. If it works, your reps will close deals at a consistent clip and drive significant revenue for your company. If it doesn’t, they’ll struggle to make sales, and your team’s customer conversion rate will likely stagnate below industry benchmarks. This metric will also help you improve your sales training efforts. Why does your sales team struggle to convert customers? Address these weaknesses in your coaching programs to produce better results.

How to track it: Add up the revenue each of your reps generates for your company within a given period. If Jim sold 10 items at $1,000 a piece last month, he contributed $10,000 worth of revenue to your company. Now, determine if you’re happy with that result.

3. Revenue Per Product/Service

What is it? The revenue generated by each of the products/services your company sells.

Why does it matter? Revenue per product/service will help you pinpoint your company’s most valuable offerings. Once you know what they are, you can adjust your sales process, as well as the individual sales enablement content you create, to prioritize these things.

How to track it: Multiply the price of each of your company’s products/services by the number sold within a given period. For example, if your salespeople sold 100 widgets for $100 and 50 service agreements for $500 a piece last quarter, your revenue per product/service would be $10,000 and $25,000, respectively. (100 x $100 = $10,000 and 50 x $500 = $25,000)

Sales Productivity KPIs

Better productivity in your sales process equals more deals closed in less time. See how to track your sales enablement productivity with these metrics.

4. Average Deal Size

What is it? The average amount of money a customer spends on your company’s products or services. Obviously, you want this figure to be as high as humanly possible.

Why does it matter? Average deal size will help you understand the monetary value new customers represent to your company. You can use this information to update your sales funnel. If the number is too low, for example, you can help reps focus on more qualified leads, or teach them to offer more upsell opportunities. Doing so will enable them to hit quota faster.

How to track it: Divide the revenue your sales reps generate within a given period by the number of sales they make within the same time frame. If you closed 100 deals last month, for instance, and made $50,000, your organization’s average deal size is $500.

Sales Enablement KPIs - Average Deal Size

5. Sales Cycle Length

What is it? The amount of time it takes a prospect to travel through your company’s customer journey and officially become a paying customer.

Why does it matter? Sales cycle length will help you evaluate your company’s sales process. Is it easy for your sales reps to close deals? If not, where do they encounter friction? And what can you do to help them boost their customer conversion rates? Once you answer these questions, you’ll be able to adjust your team’s approach and quickly drive revenue.

How to track it: Add up the number of days it took your salespeople to make sales over the past month or so. Then, divide this figure by the total number of deals closed.

Sales Enablement KPIs - Sales Cycle Length

Let’s say your sales team closed five deals last month. The first took 27 days to close, the second took 28, the third took 19, the fourth took 21, and the fifth took 20. Your average sales cycle length is 23 days.

Pro Tip: You can use Close to track your sales cycle length, or average time to win, and even compare it to other periods. Try the Opportunity Funnel Report for free.



6. Win Rate

What is it? The percentage of opportunities your sales organization converts into paying customers within a given period of time, such as 30, 60, or 90 days.

Why does it matter? Win rate can give you valuable information about your company’s sales enablement efforts—as well as the specific sales reps you employ. For example, you’ll learn how effective your lead generation strategies are, because qualified leads almost always result in higher win rates. You’ll also learn about your sales training modules, as well-trained reps often achieve higher win rates than poorly trained reps. At the end of the day, exemplary win rates will help your sales team hit its sales targets faster and drive more revenue.

How to track it: Divide the number of customers your sales team produced within a specific time frame by the total number of sales opportunities it had in its pipeline. Then multiply the resulting figure by 100 to end up with a percentage. For instance, if your sales force engaged with 100 prospects last month and closed 36 deals, your win rate would be 36 percent.

Sales Team Performance KPIs

Your team’s performance is a key aspect of sales enablement. These metrics will help you make sure everybody is on the right track.

7. Sales Quota Attainment

What is it? The percentage of sales targets that a sales rep or sales team achieves within a given period, typically one month or one quarter, depending on the products/services sold.

Why does it matter? Sales quota attainment will tell you how equipped your salespeople are to close deals. Do they have the skills they need to succeed? How about the right software tools and sales content? If so, your reps should meet quota on a consistent basis. If not, you’ll need to update your sales enablement strategy to address your team's specific weaknesses. When quota attainment is high, your revenue will improve, leading to greater sales success.

How to track it: Divide the revenue your sales reps generate within a specific time frame by the sales quotas you set for them. Then multiply the resulting figure by 100 to express it as a percentage. For example, if your sales organization produced $40,000 of new business last month, but was hoping to produce $50,000, your sales quota attainment would be 80 percent.

Pro Tip: Use a tool like QuotaPath to automatically track quota attainment for your team. QuotaPath has an easy integration with Close CRM, meaning all your sales team’s data can be easily imported and analyzed. Win!


8. Sales Activity Metrics

What is it? Various KPIs that track the activities your salespeople complete every day. Popular metrics include the number of calls made, the number of emails sent, the number of social media engagements produced, the number of meetings booked, and the number of product demos given.

Why does it matter? Sales activity metrics will tell you how your sales reps spend their time. You can then use this information to better assess individual sales rep performance. Does Rep A need to put in more work, or do they need to receive better training? Also, which activities produce the best results for your sales organization? When you know the answer to these questions, you can double down on top tactics and create better sales enablement content.

How to track it: Simply count the number of activities your sales reps complete. For example, Rep A might have made 200 cold calls, sent 150 emails, and booked 10 sales meetings last week. Now, just decide if you’re happy with these numbers and if you need to adjust your sales enablement efforts to ensure your reps achieve more success.

Pro Tip: Track your team’s activity metrics easily with Close’s customizable Activity Comparison Report. You can even drill down to see which reps are performing which activities, and which ones are getting more success.

Sales Enablement - Close Activity Comparison


9. Customer Satisfaction

What is it? How satisfied your customers are with your company’s products or services.

Why does it matter? Your customer satisfaction score will tell you if your salespeople meet customer needs or not. This is important because happy customers tend to stick around longer than unhappy ones. They also spend 33 percent more per order. So, make sure your reps aren’t so focused on customer acquisition that they forget about customer retention.

How to track it: There are multiple ways to track customer satisfaction. One common way is to send net promoter score (NPS) surveys, which ask customers, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our business to your social circle?” Customers who respond with a number between 0 and 6 are considered “detractors,” while customers who respond with a 9 or a 10 are considered “promoters.” (Note: those that respond with a 7 or 8 are considered passive and eliminated from the test results.) 

Sales Enablement KPIs - Net Promoter Score

Once you know who your company’s detractors and promoters are, you simply subtract your percentage of detractors from your percentage of promoters. Here’s a quick example: Company XYZ sends an NPS survey to 100 customers. Thirty respond with a number between 0 and 6, 15 respond with a 7 or 8, and 55 respond with a 9 or a 10. So, Company XYZ’s net promoter score is 25, because 55 percent (the percentage of promoters) minus 30 percent (the number of detractors) is 25.

10. Sales Team Onboarding Time

What is it? The amount of time it takes new hires to reach peak productivity and become meaningful contributors to your sales team. According to the RAIN Group, it usually takes new reps about nine months to reach competency and 15 months to become top performers.

Why does it matter? Your sales team won’t close many deals if they don’t go through an effective onboarding process—which should include your top sales enablement materials. As a sales leader, you want to get new reps through onboarding as quickly as possible. Doing so will reduce new hire ramp time and your employee churn rate. Why? Because your reps will quickly learn the skills they need to succeed, which will lead to more success.

How to track it: Just tally the number of days it takes new reps to become integrated into your sales team, productive, and effective in their new roles.

How Do You Measure the Impact of Sales Enablement? 5 Best Practices

Knowing which metrics to track and actually evaluating your department’s sales enablement program are two different things. Here are five best practices to ensure you use the KPIs above to improve your company’s sales process and achieve greater sales success.

  • Define clear objectives: You might want to increase sales rep productivity. Or help your sales team improve its conversion rate. Or forecast future deals with great accuracy. Or something else. Your objectives are totally up to you. Just make sure you know what they are before you dive in, as clarity in this area is essential to the success of your enablement efforts.
  • Choose the right metrics: You don’t need to track every sales enablement KPI under the sun. You only need to track the ones that pertain to your specific objectives. Doing so will make it much easier to accomplish your goals because you won’t get bogged down by extraneous data.
  • Track KPIs on a regular basis: Pick a time frame, such as 30 or 90 days. Then, evaluate sales rep performance over this given period. Finally, compare your team’s results to past sales performance and accepted industry benchmarks.
  • Be ready to adjust your sales enablement program: I know you worked really hard on it. But if you want to improve your enablement efforts—and ultimately boost profitability for your company—you’ll need to tweak your approach from time to time. Heck, you may need to completely overhaul it on occasion. No worries. That’s normal. When you do, you help your sales team reach their full potential.
  • Invest in sales enablement tools: The right tools will help you implement your initiatives and track your efforts. These might include a CRM software (like Close), sales training tools (like Mindtickle), content management apps (like Seismic), sales engagement platforms (like SendSpark), and sales intelligence tools (like ZoomInfo).

Of course, the only way to know if you’ve implemented the right strategy is to track the sales enablement KPIs mentioned in this article. Doing so will give you the insight you need to improve your sales process, empower your sales reps, and increase sales.

Just remember, you don’t have to build and implement a sales enablement program alone. There are plenty of tools you can use to make the process easier. Close is one of them.

Our industry-leading CRM is perfect for growth-oriented startups and small businesses because it’s easy to use and powerful.


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