Si vous ĂȘtes une Ă©quipe technique qui a besoin d'Ă©voluer sans payer trop cher pour un logiciel de vente d'entreprise, vous avez trouvĂ© l'outil de vente qu'il vous faut.
We've made a number of improvements to our Inbox experience to help you drive your inbox count to zero and focus on high value items first.
Customizable Primary Tab
You can now control which items show up your primary tab and your Inbox count. This allows you to focus less on lower value Inbox items (e.g. follow-up reminders, OOO messages, etc.) and more on human-sent messages if you prefer.
To customize your Primary tab, simply locate the setting icon near the top of the Inbox page. Any items that you deselect will still be available in their dedicated Inbox tabs.
Reminders Tab
We've added a tab dedicated to reminders that will show you any follow-up reminders (both email and opportunities) separate from emails and other items.
Send + Done and Reply Detection
We will now automatically mark emails as Done when you send a reply by default. Previously, each send required a redundant click to remove the item from your Inbox. If you're in a scenario where you'd prefer to send a reply but keep the item in your Inbox, you can!
We've also made it easier to keep your Inbox clean when you email inside and outside Close. Whenever we detect a reply to an item currently in your Inbox, we'll mark it as Done so that you don't have to clear out items you've already handled when working through your Inbox while in Close. These items are still available in your Done folder if you need to reference them.
Item Deduplication
We've improved the experience when receiving an email or SMS message from an email address or phone number that happens to be associated with multiple leads in your organization. Rather than that item being duplicated for each lead, you'll see a single item related to that message in your Inbox. You can easily view the other associated leads if desired, and marking the item as Done on one lead will mark the item as Done on any leads where that item was referenced. By default, the oldest contact that contains the email address or phone number will be the lead/contact that is shown in the deduplicated item.
SMS Conversation View
When receiving SMS replies and new messages in your Inbox, we'll now show you the full communication history between you and the contact (messages sent between the two numbers). This will give you full context into the conversation and make it easier to reply directly without leaving the Inbox.