How the MEDDIC Sales Methodology Can Help Close More Deals

Raise your hand if this sounds familiar.

You've worked hard to become the best sales rep you can be. You've read every sales book and spent good money on high-end courses. But, for some reason, your sales numbers look like 🔥hot garbage 🔥. 

Don't beat yourself up. You don't suck at sales. You just have bad-fit prospects. 

Take it from us: selling to people who don't need your product? Never gonna end well.

Enter the MEDDIC sales methodology. It's a solid formula to weed out shitty prospects so you can sell to people who actually want your product. 

In this guide, we'll explain what the MEDDIC sales methodology is, why it can help you close more deals, and how to implement this sales strategy.

Let's get selling 💰

What is the MEDDIC Sales Methodology?

The MEDDIC Methodology is a sales qualification process that helps find better-quality prospects. MEDDIC stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, and Champion. Each letter represents a step in the sales qualification process to help salespeople gather the information they need to decide whether the lead is worth pursuing.

What is the MEDDIC Sales Methodology?

*clears throat*

In non-sales gobbeldy-gook, MEDDIC simplifies the selling process by telling you what questions to ask to find prospects who actually need your product. 

There's a reason this sales qualification methodology is popular with reps. According to Forbes, B2B buyers are increasingly frustrated with the sales process. It's complex, and frankly, it takes too long. Gartner research backs this up—77 percent of buyers said their latest purchases were very complex or difficult.

The funny thing is…these problems were solved DECADES ago when MEDDIC was created. 

In the 90s, Jack Napoli and Dick Dunkel crafted the MEDDIC methodology while working at software giant Parametric Technology Corporation. They used the methodology to grow the company, and annual revenue shot from $300 million to over $1 billion in just four years.

Even though Napoli admits the MEDDIC acronym sucks—it doesn't matter. The methodology works. 

Jack Napoli, one of the co-founders of PTC

Fast forward to today, and sales professionals everywhere use this sales methodology to qualify potential customers, adjust messaging, and move leads down their sales funnel.

Let's unpack why.

MEDDIC Sales Process Pros and Cons

It's easy. MEDDIC is perfect for entry-level sales reps. It has a clear framework to get prospects from the top of your funnel to the deal table. It's… a lot. More qualification questions = more time your team must spend talking to prospects. And some of these conversations will lead to absolutely zilch.
Did somebody say data goldmine? MEDDIC gathers (much more) detailed prospect info to store in your CRM. This doesn't just help qualify prospects, but it also tightens up your strategy and forecasting down the road. It's not for everyone. MEDDIC isn't a good fit for all sales scenarios. If you sell low-ticket items or have a high churn rate, MEDDIC will probably take up too many resources and chew into your sales rep budget.
It's a revenue booster. Reps get better quality prospects in their sales pipeline, which equals higher close rates. You gotta be organized. MEDDIC only works with accurate documentation and sales notes. CRMs like Close make this step easier, but you must keep data accurate for the methodology to work.

One thing to be mindful of is that (although they are annoyingly similar) MEDDIC is not the same sales methodology as MEDDICC and MEDDPICC

Let's take a quick look at the differences 👇

MEDDIC, MEDDICC, or MEDDPICC (Oh My!): What’s the Difference?

MEDDIC, MEDDICC, and MEDDPICC are all from the same strategic sales recipe—just with different ingredients.

The OG strategy for unearthing customer pain points and figuring out who the key stakeholders are.

Ingredients: Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, Champion
A deeper dive than MEDDIC, this formula also looks at the competition and how to make your solution stand out.

Ingredients: Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, Champion, Competition

Extra Ingredient: Competition
This strategy gets granular and looks at the prospect's inner workings, like procurement or legal requirements.

Ingredients: Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Paper Process, Identify Pain, Champion, Competition

Extra Ingredient: Paper Process

The big question is: which sales recipe should you use, and when? 🤔

📄 MEDDIC: Whip this out when you need a simple formula to qualify prospects. 

📄 MEDDICC: Best used for qualifying leads when competitors have a similar solution/product on the market. It helps sales reps figure out how to differentiate your offering. 

📄 MEDPICC: This recipe is perfect for qualifying prospects with more complex needs. If there is any talk of being added to an approved vendor list or compliance negotiations, this strategy is a good fit. 

Now you know the differences between each formula, let's walk through how to use MEDDIC to qualify prospects 👇

The 6 Stages of the MEDDIC Methodology (and How to Use Them)

The MEDDIC process is a nuanced approach to selling to a prospect. 

It's not just ticking boxes. 

You must listen to your prospects and their pain points, figure out their decision-making process, and, most importantly, convince them your solution is worth the money. 

This process happens in six stages.

Stage 1: Metrics

Most prospects will measure results using metrics. 

At the start of a sales negotiation, tapping into these metrics is crucial. When you know what goal the prospect wants to reach or how they measure success internally, you can determine if your product fits them. 

🤔Why it's important: Start the qualification process off strong. Lean on metrics to get the product to think about your product as a problem-solving solution: "I see you want to do ABC. Our product is specifically designed to help users do that. It's been proven to boost results in this area by XYZ percent!"

Sales qualifying questions to ask at this stage

  • What goals do you want this product/service to help you achieve?
  • How will you track your progress toward those goals?
  • How will you measure the overall success of your investment in this product/service?

Stage 2: Economic Buyer

When you reach stage two, aim to get in the room with the actual decision-maker(s)—the person who writes the checks and signs the contract. 

Who has the power to make purchases? Is it the person you're currently talking to? Their boss? Their boss's boss? 

If you run into a gatekeeper, do your best to learn about the decision-maker so that you get an idea of their general mindset, expectations, and priorities. These nuggets of information will help you pitch your product so it appeals to their pain points, goals, or interests.  

🤔Why it's important: The more information you get about the buyer, the easier it is to tie in the economic benefits of your solution. If you can't get past the gatekeeper, target someone who influences the decision-maker. 

Sales qualifying questions to ask at this stage

  • Who can make final purchasing decisions?
  • How do we get this person involved in the sales process?
  • Does [the Economic Buyer] need to see the product before they approve it?
  • What does success with this product/service look like to [the Economic Buyer]?

Stage 3: Decision Criteria

Prospects don't make buying decisions purely on cost. 

Other factors, like how your product will fit into their existing tech stack and return on investment, make up their unique decision criteria. Oh, and then there's the big one—is your solution actually easy to use? Or does it have a 3-month onboarding process?

The best way to figure out what the prospect's criteria is? Ask them. The sooner you know, the quicker you can adjust your sales pitch to target the areas that will guide their buying decision. 

🤔Why it's important: Sales teams can make the fatal mistake of focusing every negotiation around price. But other areas—like how easy your solution is to use—could be just as important. You aren't a damn mind reader—ask your prospect what matters to them! 

Sales qualifying questions to ask at this stage

  • What's most important to you when making purchasing decisions?
  • How can I convince you that our products/services are the best fit for you?
  • How do you plan to calculate ROI if you invest in our products/services?
  • Do you have a specific budget in mind for this kind of product/service?

Stage 4: Decision-Making Process

We love this step because it lays everyone's cards on the table. 

Here is where you ask the prospect: 

"What will it take for you to become a customer?"

Then, shut up and listen. 

Listen for objections, roadblocks, and hints of how long their buying process might last. For example, if the prospect says they need to go back to their team with your proposal, don't let them off the hook. Say something like: “Great. What does the process look like? Do you normally schedule a meeting or email them our proposal? And how long does that take? A week?"

Keep the prospect talking and moving down the sales funnel. 

🤔Why it's important: This step gets down into the nitty-gritty of what it will take to get your prospect to become a paying customer. When you know what their buying process and objections look like, you can either tackle them or make a decision about whether the deal is still worth pursuing. 

Sales qualifying questions to ask at this stage

  • What steps do you need to take to make a final decision?
  • Are there other people who need to be involved in this process?
  • What kind of paperwork do we need to complete?
  • When do you expect to make a final decision? (AKA—What's your time frame?)
  • What can I do to make this process as smooth as possible for you?

Stage 5: Identify Pain

Every prospect worth their salt will have a pain point your solution can solve. 

This stage in the MEDDIC framework will focus on this specific pain point. Use it to customize your sales pitch to describe all of the ways your product can help. 

For example, if their team struggles with sales productivity, ask the prospect what that looks like day to day. Find out how much time they are wasting and what that calculates to in expenses and lost contracts. Then, focus on these specific details and how your solution will help solve them.

🤔Why it's important: Your prospect must start to look at your solution as a way to genuinely help them. If you can identify pain points and show how your solution will solve them, it's easier to justify your product's price tag. 

Sales qualifying questions to ask at this stage

  • Do you know what the root cause of your problem is?
  • How does this problem affect your company's bottom line?
  • What would happen if you didn't solve this problem for your company?
  • How valuable would it be to you if our product/service solved this problem?

Stage 6: Champion

Finally, look for your champion. This is an influential person who works for the company and will benefit most from your product. 

Sales is MUCH easier with a champion because B2B sales cycles usually take weeks (sometimes even months). If you can win over a champion early in the process, the deal will move along. 

Your champion will depend on the company you are selling to. 

For example, Close sales reps rarely target a CEO. Instead, they'll start a conversation with the Head of Sales. These sales leaders probably can't cut us a check, but they will see the value in our tool as they're in the (sales) weeds with their team. It's easier to convince them of Close's value than the CEO at this point, and they usually have some say around what products the company buys. 

🤔Why it's important: Your champion will keep your solution at the forefront of decision-makers' minds and stop a deal from stagnating. Winning over a respected person in the company can pay off big when it's time to make a buying decision. 

Sales qualifying questions to ask at this stage

  • Who in this company will benefit most from our product/services?
  • Can this person accurately explain the benefits of our offerings to others?
  • Is this person respected and able to influence buying decisions for their company?
  • How will I know if this person acts like a real champion for our brand?

MEDDIC can be super valuable for sales teams if it's implemented right. But like any sales strategy, practice makes perfect. Here's what we mean 👇

Final Thoughts: How to Implement the MEDDIC Sales Model in Your Business

Vince Lombardi said it best: "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect."

This hits home for sales teams who want to master the MEDDIC process. Along with the six steps we just talked about, we recommend adding some secret sauce to your MEDDIC recipe: 

  • Understand your buyer personas. Lead qualification with MEDDIC requires knowing your ideal customers inside and out. Make sure your sales team has buyer personas defining who they are, their goals, daily struggles, and how your products or services help them overcome challenges. Study these personas to focus only on those worth your time. (Note: If you don’t have buyer personas, create them pronto!)
  • Adapt MEDDIC to your unique sales process. MEDDIC isn't a one-size-fits-all sales approach. And that's a good thing. Change up each step to fit your products and target buyers. If your customers have more complex compliance or legal needs, look outside of MEDDIC to another methodology like MEDDPICC.  
  • Tackle objections early. The MEDDIC approach is proactive, and reps usually get hit with a ton of sales objections. Be ready. Prospects might say your prices are too high, adopting your solution will be a hassle, or the ROI is unrealistic. Scan your CRM for common deal-breakers and create talk tracks to counter these objections. Every sales rep faces objections, but if you plan ahead, you can overcome them. 
  • Evaluate + tweak. Look at your sales data to see if MEDDIC sales qualification works for your team. If it's not, figure out which part of the formula isn't working and look at how to optimize your sales process. Sometimes, tweaks like training on how to identify pain points or have more impactful conversations with decision makers is all it takes. 

With the right planning, MEDDIC can supercharge your sales qualification framework and add a ton of revenue to your bottom line. It's a simple formula that any entry-level sales rep can sink their teeth into to find qualified prospects and close more deals. 

Of course, to get started, you need to know your customers. Build your own buyer personas with our free template:

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