Intégration de Custify CRM

What can you do with Close in Custify:
- Segment your customers based on data from Close (e.g., segment imported leads by value).
- Define lifecycle stages based on account types and make sure customers stay on track by assigning Tasks and Alerts to your CSMs.
- Build playbooks based on deal or account status (e.g., automate follow-ups or feedback gathering).
- Create health scores based on annual revenue or potential deal value and set alerts when these reach certain levels.
Close can be integrated in either full or enhanced mode:
- Full mode: turning on the integration in full mode will create new companies and people in Custify when new entities (that are not existing yet in Custify) are added in the system and will also update the existing entities with new attributes
- Enhance mode: turning on the integration in Enhance mode will only update the existing Custify accounts. The primary source of truth will be your backend, you will continue updating the companies and people through API, but the data will be enhanced with new attributes from the system.
In order to successfully integrate with Close in enhanced mode, the first step is to make sure that you have a unique matching attribute in both Custify and Close.
Depending on how you store data in Close (user level, company level or both), the unique matching attribute that must be present in both systems should be:
- Company (Close Company ID*);
- Users (User ID or Email address)
*We strongly recommend using an ID (e.g. Company ID) instead of a name (e.g. Company Name). In most cases, there are mismatched names (duplicates or typos) that prevent the integration from syncing for these accounts.
Here’s how you can bring the Close ID in Custify:
- Automatically import it via API (recommended);
- Manually added or using the CSV importer (not recommended)
Here’s how you can bring the Customer ID in Close:
- Automatically import via API (recommended);
- Manually added (this can be done during the sales process)
With this integration, users can segment customers based on Close data, manage customer lifecycles, devise successful playbooks according to deal or account status, and generate health scores based on revenue or deal value.
Moreover, the customizable data import options, "full" or "enhance," offer versatility in how data is incorporated from Close to Custify, be it Contacts, Leads, or Notes.