
Churn (or churn rate) is the metric used to measure how many customers or subscribers discontinue using a company's products or services during a time period. It's usually expressed as a percentage and calculated by taking the number of lost customers or subscribers, divided by the total number of customers or subscribers:

Why is Churn Important Today? 

Alright, let’s unpack this. In today’s world, where the customer is king and options are as plentiful as the grains of sand on a beach, understanding and managing churn is more crucial than ever.

The digital age has empowered customers with a universe of options at their fingertips. A single Google search can unveil a plethora of alternatives, comparisons, and reviews. In such a dynamic landscape, keeping your customers hooked isn’t just important—it’s essential for survival.

The churn rate is like the pulse of your business. A low and steady rate indicates a healthy heartbeat, while sudden spikes might mean it’s time for an emergency check-up. It affects not just revenue but also the overall valuation of your company. Investors are eagle-eyed for businesses that not just attract but retain customers effectively. In this game, a low churn rate is as golden as the midas touch.

Moreover, it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. That’s a chunk of change! So, every customer that walks out the door, takes a piece of your marketing and acquisition investments with them.

History of Churn

In the early days of retail and traditional business, churn was often overlooked. The focus was heavily tilted towards acquisition. The more, the merrier—that was the mantra. But as the business landscape evolved, especially with the boom of subscription models and SaaS, the spotlight shifted.

Companies started realizing that customer retention was a goldmine. The recurring revenue model, a darling of the SaaS world, had its pulse intertwined with churn. As businesses jumped on the subscription bandwagon, monitoring churn became as routine as morning coffee. Tools and metrics to measure and analyze churn sprouted, and strategies to mitigate it became a focal point of business strategies.

How to Implement Churn Measurement in Sales

How do you reduce customer churn in sales? Here’s a simplified guide.

Step 1: Know Your Numbers 

Start by identifying your current churn rate. Look at the data and analyze the trends and patterns. Knowing how many customers you’re losing and understanding any trends in this data is crucial.

Step 2: Understand the Why

Figure out why customers are leaving. Use exit surveys or direct communication to gather insights. Find out if they are unhappy with the service, find the price too high, or prefer a competitor’s offering.

Step 3: Develop a Strategy 

With the information on hand, create a plan to address these issues. Improve customer service, adjust pricing, or enhance the product quality as needed. Remember, each business is different, so customize the approach to fit your specific needs and challenges.

Step 4: Enhance Customer Engagement

Focus on building stronger relationships with your customers. Make them feel valued and heard. Personalizing their experience can make a significant difference.

Step 5: Train Your Team

Ensure your sales and customer service teams have the right tools and training to effectively address customer issues. Happy employees lead to satisfied customers.

Step 6: Innovate and Adapt

Be ready to change and innovate. The business landscape is always evolving, and staying adaptable and innovative helps in keeping your customers satisfied and reducing churn.

Frequently Asked Questions About Churn (FAQs)

What Questions Should I Ask a Churned Customer?

When a customer leaves, businesses should seek feedback to understand the reasons behind the departure. Key questions to ask a churned customer include:

  1. Why did you decide to cancel our service?—To identify the primary reason for leaving.
  2. Were you unhappy with any specific aspect of our service or product?—To pinpoint exact issues or shortcomings.
  3. What could we have done differently?—To gather insights on potential improvements.
  4. How would you rate your overall experience with our customer service?—To evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction with customer support.
  5. Did our product meet your expectations?—To assess if there is a gap between expectations and reality.
  6. Are there features or offerings you believe we should improve or add?—To collect suggestions for enhancement.
  7. Would you return if we made specific changes?—To understand if there’s potential for reacquisition.

What Does Churn Tell You?

Churn provides insights into the rate at which customers are leaving a service or product, offering critical information about the business’s health and customer satisfaction. A high churn rate may signal problems in product quality, customer service, or pricing, indicating that customers are dissatisfied for some reasons. A low churn rate, conversely, suggests that customers are satisfied and loyal. 

Monitoring and analyzing churn rate is essential for businesses to identify, address, and reduce customer attrition, leading to enhanced customer retention and business growth.

What is an Example of Churn?

An example of churn is when a business with a customer base of 1000 loses 50 subscribers in a month. The churn rate is calculated as (50/1000)*100 = 5 percent. This 5 percent churn rate indicates that the business lost 5 percent of its customers over the month. Analyzing the reasons behind this churn helps the business to identify issues and implement strategies to improve customer retention. The lower the churn rate, the better it is for the business’s growth and sustainability, as it reflects higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.